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Q. How long are the session presentations?
A. Each session is 50 minutes long. Sessions must be designed to finish within the time frame, as the room needs to be cleared for the next session.
Q. Can I submit multiple proposals?
A. YES! You can submit multiple proposals, however, please be aware that the committee will be selecting sessions for the conference based not only on quality but also a mixture of topics and grade-level strands.
Q. If my proposal is accepted, how many people can I expect in my session?
A. Depending on interest and demand, sessions could hold anywhere from 30 to 60 people, depending on the size of the room and room set up.
Q. What is the room setup for the sessions?
A. All sessions will be set up in theater style, with no tables. Due to space constraints and set-up time, we will not be able to accommodate any requests for another type of room setup.
Q. What technology is available for my session?
A. VESA will provide a Wi-Fi internet connection, an LCD projector and a screen. Participants must bring their own laptop. For newer laptops that connect to LCP projectors with a dongle, please bring the dongle with you. VESA will not provide these.
Q. Do I get a discount on registration as a presenter?
A. No, there is no discount break for registration or hotel room price for presenters. All presenters must register for the conference. Those that have not registered for the conference by the closing date will be dropped from the program.
Q. What kind of topics and sessions are you looking for?
A. Proposal reviewers generally look for sessions that are relevant to ESOL teachers, and specifically teachers in Virginia, such as the VA Standards of Learning and WIDA ELDs. Additionally, reviewers note if participants will be engaged with the topic presented, and how applicable the session will be for teachers. VESA also looks for a mixture of elementary and secondary sessions.
Thank you for supporting our conference.
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